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AHOI Town Halls

Sisterhood. Land Development. Shemetic Economics. Women's Health. Charitable Efforts. Nationality & Identification.


What are AHOI Town Halls?
AHOI Town Halls are bi-monthly meetings to discuss the advancement of charitable efforts, initiatives and programs, and nation building efforts with the community. 
The Daughters of Zion have labored, protested, and been abused for far too long for the house of our oppressors. The 400 year curse has lifted offering us a new path of expansion, rebuilding, and covering.

We have built our oppressor's kingdom with such perfection that America is called the greatest nation in the world. This nation would be nothing without us. It is nothing without us.

If we built this society for them can we do it for ourselves with the Most High YAHUAH?

Let us come together to nation-build, community-build, and create a self-sustainable future putting the Almighty and his nation first. 

Join us every 1st and 3rd Thursdays for our Town Hall Meeting. 
No events at the moment

Thresh, o daughter.

Let’s build.

Watch Our Past Town Halls.

Opening Address & Prayer
Ground Rules & Expectations
Important Announcements & Updates
State of the Company Presentation
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