Sign the petition to stand against the War on Natural Womanhood.

For over 400 years, women in America (and women abroad) have worked tirelessly to reclaim their empowerment, preserve their natural womanhood, and protect their families. The past Civil Rights decisions by the Obama Administration, and the recent decisions of the Biden Administration to replace "Mothers" with "Birthing People" have become a threat to womanhood, legacy, and a strong family unit.
This decision is counterproductive of centuries of proactive efforts made by women to ensure their protection, equality, and rights.
Modern Media and New Age ideas are aiming to eliminate and distort natural womanhood through the following:
Artificial & Unnatural Beauty Standards
​The facts speak for themselves: Natural-born women and females are the only types of people who can give birth and mother a child. Since the beginning of time and creation of the world, across all species, this fact remains true. The Biden Administration's decision ignores the long history of necessity that women have contributed to the longevity of society, including: the role of women as caretakers, the role of women as educators, the role of women as nurturers, and the role of women as an organized force.
Further, this decision to include Transgender Women at the expense of Natural born women is discrimination and contradicts Title XI of the Education Amendments signed into law by Former President Richard Nixon. It states, "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
Natural women and female species have always been the ones to birth, nurture, and raise the next generations. The baseless decision of the Biden Administration greatly impacts natural women who are the backbone of the economy, family unit, educational system, and society as a whole.
​Sign the petition to the Biden Administration to push them to stop the war on Natural Womanhood. Natural Women have been the victims of (1) adhering to artificial, unnatural beauty standards, (2) unfairness in sports and competitions with transgender athletes, (3) pink tax, (4) medical malpractice, and (5) the war on wombs. If we don't stand now, natural womanhood and its honor will be eradicated.
​Learn more about Holy Wombenhood at The Almighty's House of Ivriyah, and continue to support the complete restoration of the Woman, the Child, and the Nation.
Zhatéyah Yahudah Yisraèl contributed to this article.