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Writer's pictureYoana AnaYah

Ivriyah Declaration Series: Blessed

How are Ivriyahs blessed?

Blessings are beyond material wealth, but Ivriyahs embrace the true meaning of blessings in a world where success is often equated. The concept of being blessed takes on deeper significance within the context of faith and spirituality. Rooted in the teachings of Scripture, being blessed transcends mere material abundance, encompassing spiritual fulfillment, relational harmony, and a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

Scriptures related to being blessed

Psalms 1:1-3 (KJV): "Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers."
Sirach 26:1 (KJV): "Blessed is the man that hath a virtuous wife,  For the number of his days shall be double."

As Ivriyahs, we are honored and humbled by the blessings received from our Abba.

We are aware that being blessed is not something we take lightly but a sense of empowerment as daughters of Zion. By acknowledging its True meaning a blessing emanates from a deep sense of spiritual fulfillment and contentment that transcends material possessions or external circumstances. In Yahusha’s example highlighting the counterintuitive nature of Yah's kingdom.

Blessedness is not contingent upon worldly success or acclaim but is found in humility, righteousness, and wholehearted devotion to Yah. True blessing is found in the bonds of fellowship and the shared journey of faith with others. By stewarding Yah’s blessings wisely and using them to bless others, believers participate in God's redemptive work of bringing hope, healing, and restoration to a broken world.

In a culture obsessed with the pursuit of wealth, success, and recognition, the timeless wisdom of Scripture offers a counter-cultural vision of true blessing rooted in spiritual fulfillment, relational harmony, and a life of purpose and meaning.

Self-Affirmations to acknowledge blessings
  • I am deeply grateful for the abundance and blessings in my life.

  • I am blessed with the ability to support those in need.

  • I am blessed with love, health, and happiness.

  • I am a magnet for blessings, attracting positivity and good fortune.

  • Every day, I am surrounded by blessings that bring joy and fulfillment.

  • I recognize and appreciate the blessings that come my way.

  • I welcome new blessings and opportunities with an open heart.

  • My life is a reflection of the blessings I give and receive from The Most High.

A Prayer

Abba Yahuah, I pray for the understanding of the biblical perspective of being blessed by following Yahushua Hamashiachs example of humility, righteousness and set apart. I pray that you O Yahuah give us blessings, spiritual fulfillment and contentment. I pray for the blessings of meaningful relationships and community and have a giving heart with servitude. I thank you Abba Yahuah for your redemptive work with receiving blessings in order to be a blessing for others. In Yahshua's name, So be it. 

This article was written by Yoana AnaYah.

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