Trauma wounds for black Hebrew descent women stem from a lot of sexual abuse as the origins of our time here in the land of Captivity of America. Ever wonder why a rapist would say even though a woman said no it means she really wanted to be defiled and other suggestive comments as to say because of her body shape she is automatically promiscuous? As black women that have been so wounded, they put up walls around their hearts, walls of shame and guilt, feeling responsible for what has happened or what they have done when this is a lie from the enemy.
The Bible speaks about Trauma victims of Slavery, sexual abuse, and manipulation into these acts of forceful womb Trauma. Forceful maternal separations through practices of separations such as forceful Adoptions which originated with selling slave children away from mothers as punishment tactics, Abortion which began through scientists and White supremacists wanting to cause genocide on the African Hebrew descent race and stillborn deaths due to various Traumas such as rape, beatings, and lynchings.
Suffering should not cause us to question God’s sovereignty, as Job so clearly understood (Job 2:10). God is sovereign despite our circumstances. He created all things and He controls all things (Deuteronomy 4:39; 1 Chronicles 29:11; Psalms 103:19; Daniel 4:35; Colossians 1:15-17).
Trauma did a number on us spiritually to the point of mass destruction of family bloodlines. As women due to slavery sexual abuse was a common factor for domination, economy, and lustful practices to maintain control and submission. Sexual abuse Traumas of the past have evolved to the imagery we have been accused of such as being proud whores, video vixens, and female dogs for lack of better terms, and hate towards our Men and Children. The enslaved blood is crying out from the ground to Yah from the cries of forceful hatred acts of rape, incest, murder, and post-traumatic slave syndrome which has impacted generations of women.
To heal we have to face the dark history of the past and see our true enemy, Rebuke the enemy, and overcome it by surrendering to Yah. By repenting from past sins, sins of our ancestry, forgiveness, and relearning to love ourselves for who we are and receive love from our Men the way the Most High designed it. The Most High is our Healer, all we have to do is submit to his will for our lives and sin no more.
What can we do to heal and what does healing look like in the eyes of Yah?
Solutions: Prayer, Fasting, Repentance, Self Care, Therapy(Individual or group), Mentorship/Discipleship, Accountability, and Book resources.
Biblical Character References: Hagar(Slavery), Dinah (rape), Bathsheba (adultery, rulership, Miscarriage, Murder of husband)
Bible References: Genesis 3:16,16;21;34, 30:21, Deuteronomy 28, 2 Samuel 11-12,1 Chr. 3:5; 2 Sam. 3:5)Matthew, Mark 3:24–25 Proverbs, Psalms 1 Timothy 2:15 Enoch 69:12, Revelation, and Sirach
More Details of Trauma
Mental: Degrading Terms, degrading media imagery, forcing and projecting fear and deadly action towards others to display dominant behavior. Newspaper, postcards, news, gossip, and false reports.
Spiritual: Destroyed churches, destroyed images of the creator, destroyed our legitimate faith to believe
Physical: Sexual Assault, Forceful breeding, lynching, cuttings, branding, whippings, and burning.
Systematic: Laws, codes, mandates, wars, plots, setups, terminations, and infiltration.
Watch the Tea Party Tuesday.
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Sis Yoana Anayah
This is absolutely facts. I only say this to give God the glory and to help encourage others. After I escaped and was in a safe place to heal I felt the urgency to learn more about fasting. The Lord put it on my heart to begin a 40 day fast to break generational curses and strongholds. This will be the 3rd year. I have seen and experienced so many miracles and breakthroughs. There are some things that can only be obtained by prayer and fasting and I believe this is one of them. The closeness I experience and the clarity from the Holy Spirit is unexplainable. I don't think I have ever felt anything so wonderful!!
Very Therapeutic!!! AP!! It has been an extremely edifying experience to read this and I really love how you included the scriptures !
I am a survivor of human trafficking and would love to join this study if you will allow me. I am a child of God but I truly believe you are true Hebrews.
Halleluyah All Praises To Our Abba Yah
Powerful study.